نقطه سبز
The City of Malmö and SVEBO housing exposition architects prepared a plan to create a habitat-rich city dis- trict including an ecologically appropriate storm-water system that demonstrates water retention and acts as an urban amenity, a mini- mum green space factor that gives green points for greenery on the ground, green roofs, green facades, planting beds, permeable paving, and designated habitat study areas.
While each architect-developer team had to conform to the urban design guidelines of height, density, green points, and the like for each plot, the teams were free to develop their own individual architectural responses to site conditions.
In the first, the developers committed to choose at least ten of thirty-five green points from a list prepared by Bo01 in partnership with the City of Malmö (see box 2.1).13
Many of the weighted factors were for the elements on the green points listed in box 2.1.
Green Points Criteria
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران